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100% of profits from the sales of these products go to the 603 Scholarship Foundation to help share the benefits of martial arts training to someone who needs it.
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5 Essential Keys For Learning Self-Defense
This book is for people who want to learn self-defense, but don't know anything about it. Now you can have a list of what a solid self-defense course is made up of so you know what to look for.
Knowledge is power (and it will save you lots of time and money!). $3.99
Fearless and Ready
This book covers Women's Self Defense topics such as:
What is Women's Self Defense?
How to 'win' at self defense
High percentage self defense techniques
The most common attacks you should be aware of?
What self-defense weapons you might consider carrying (and what NOT to carry)
And much more
Start your path to personal safety now for $5.99.
Earn your Black Belt faster BETTER! Mental strategies and training tips to help you get more out of every class and every day!